Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

I have a new found respect for insomniacs. I have really had trouble the past few weeks with sleeping, but last night was the worst! I went to bed at 9:20 feeling like I had the flu. Fell asleep around 10 and woke up at 12. DID NOT go back to sleep the rest of the night. Not for 5 minutes. I had to get up at 6 too, the first day of the earliest shift I've worked. Go figure. I was literally sick at work today b/c I was so tired. I walked into Starbucks almost in tears and told them I needed whatever would keep me awake. I went back at lunch lol If it weren't for that coffee I don't think I would have made it through the day. I was training to be auditor so I got to sit down. Thank goodness b/c I probably would've fallen, had I been standing up!
So what's new in the city? As I think most of you saw, certain boroughs in the city were hit by a storm, possibly a tornado. I don't know if they ever ruled that it was a tornado or not. I come and bring the weather! I was at work and Daffy's is actually located in the basement of a big tall building. So had the tornado been in Manhattan, we would have been fine. It hit in Queens and Brooklyn and I didn't even know about it until my Mom text me asking if I was ok. Someone mentioned the word tornado at work and everyone blew it off and laughed. It's really sad b/c someone was killed and many homes and cars were damaged. BUT, as a home grown Arkansan, I had to laugh a little. ESPECIALLY, if you go to and watch one of the mobile videos. It's these 2 guys saying "dude, omg, we're in a tornado" over and over and over. It's kind of like if a New Yorker were to be in central AR when it snowed. lol
I went and watched Devil yesterday. It was a pretty good movie. I hadn't been to the movies in so long, and yes I was alone, but I walked in and smelled the popcorn and got really excited. I thought, this is going to be relaxing! It was! Now, it's been a while since I was at the movies back home but it was almost comical b/c of all the stuff they have at concession. Now I know AR has some of this stuff but they have hot tea, coffee, cheese sticks, chicken strips, fries. And you get your own butter by pressing this cool little button. Yes, I'm easily amused. My ticket was $12.50!! Anyhoo, on my way I was walking down the street I looked into the traffic and this guy was skateboarding between the traffic. I've seen rollerblades, bikes, but not skateboarding in 4 lane traffic. Oh, and a man in my neighborhood literally has 2 big speakers attached to his bicycle and rides around jamming. I'm talking bass!
Apparently there's something going on at the U.N. You probably all know more about it than I do. I don't ever watch the news. There are cops all over Midtown and I'm sure Downtown too. It's kind of chaotic around work. Thursday the President of Iran will be here....pray for me :)
Has anyone ever had a Belgian waffle with the works? I had one yesterday and oh my gosh!! Let me tell you about GOOD!!! I desperately needed a glass of milk with it. Oh man, it was amazing. A waffle with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, nuts, chocolate, some special sauce that's amazing and whipped cream. You can choose your own toppings but those were mine. Did anyone know that they now have designer shoes at Payless? They're super cute too, but $45. Defeats the purpose of shopping there in my opinion.
Apparently there are some stabbings going on on the subways :( It hasn't happened on the train I usually take but it's probably only a matter of time. The guy hasn't been caught yet. It's a black man stabbing women, in broad daylight, for their wallets. GRRRREAT!!! Again, pray for me :)
Well guys, I guess that's all for now. I'm going to try and wind down for the evening b/c I really need to get some sleep. Even a few hours will beat last night!! Take care and GO HOGS!!!! :)


  1. The "dude" video you're talking about has been renames as "Brooklyn bro-nado" I like the name. It made me giggle. Tornado version of double rainbow. :)Glad to see that you've been too busy to blog! Thats a good thing!!
