Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tis the Season

It's the first day of December. It's rainy, windy and gloomy out. Fitting. Difference is that the high is 57 and it may storm New York City. I even woke up at 8 assuming it was noon and have yet to go back to sleep. Has hell frozen over? Last night they lit the tree at Rockefeller. I would have liked to go see it, but after that ordeal in Oregon, well I'd rather not take my chances.
Does anyone watch Weeds? I'm addicted. Better to be addicted to the show than what the show is based on! Nancy Botwin is a horrible person who does not have any responsibility for her actions!!! Ok, I'm better now. 
So, some of you may not want to read this next part as you will find it offensive. I started looking at a certain wedding album online earlier. Picture after picture was couple after couple...from Beebe. Or possibly the very close surrounding area. It just makes me wonder though, really what are the chances of finding your "soul mate" in a population of 5000 people? I'm not saying it can't happen, and i have some dear, dear friends who found each other in Beebe and I truly believe that they are meant to be together forever. HOWEVER, I think many other people just get to this certain age and think that for whatever reason (pressure) they MUST find someone. Heaven forbid we turn 30 and not be married. I really am not trying to offend anyone, I just get so frustrated sometimes. It just made me thankful that I am where I am at the moment and to not rush the next 2 mos that I have left here in this city. Going back to Beebe is starting to make me scared b/c I don't want to fall into that trap of settling with whoever happens to be single when I get there. And I know it will happen. History repeats itself!! :) Or maybe there is a certain someone I'd like to be with BUT it might kill a few family members on both sides of our families if that were to ever happen. Some of us (me) would like to just be single and enjoy it and not feel that pressure of needing to hurry and settle down with a "suitable" career and getting married and start breeding. Again, more power to you if you're on this track right now. I, however, am not and from the looks of it, won't be for a long, long time. I'm gonna quit rambling now. Today is my day off and I usually spend these days being homesick and contemplating jumping on the next plane home. This morning has given me a new (old) light and reminded me of all I wanted to get away from. I do look forward to being happy and in love SOME DAY.
So today, I'm going to get out in this blahness and enjoy all that this city has to offer!!! It's what i came for! At least it's not cold today :) Pay rent for my apartment, that helps to pay the landlords rent in his fancy shmancy office, prob go to Rockefeller, and last but not least....Walgreens :) Good day. Then I'll come back and finish Weeds more than likely. Big day. Study for a job that is at a basic stand still for employment? Doubtful. I'm doing better tho. At this point I just want to be done with it. Everyone have a lovely day. I mean that. Regardless of who you married :) JOKING!!!!! 

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